Tonight for Family Home Evening (F.H.E.)
we decorated sugar cookie houses!
I made the cookies a few days ahead of time
and Zachary began counting down the days until he got to decorate his.
about decorating his cookie house.
(He actually DID have a good time, he's just so into decorating
in this picture it just looks like he's bored)
icing as he could.

And here is mine.
And this one is Zachary's.
Zachary, on the other hand, DID enjoy decorating his.
AND enjoyed eating it too!!!
Here is Noah's finished product.
Very nice!
that I put on for her.
(Yuck!... waaaayyyy too much sugar!)
He LOVED it!
so hilarious!! he actually ate his?? impressive!!
zach and fletch have GOT to meet...
Did I mention that I gave Zachy Fletcher's picture that you sent (LOVED the card, by the way) and told him that he was going to be "best friends" with Fletch and now every time he sees the picture he says, "Look! There's my best friend!"
Very nice cookies! I love them all! You got a girl! :) Noah looks so much older!
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